Life Insurance for Georgia and Tennessee Individuals

When the unthinkable happens, the loss of a close family member, financial difficulty is the last thing you want to have on your mind. Likewise, you can protect your family's future and ensure they are not faced with staggering costs in the event of your death with life insurance. No matter your circumstances, investing in a life insurance policy gives you the peace of mind to know those who depend on you will be taken care of.

Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance provides death protection for a stated time period, or term. Term life insurance is perhaps the simplest form of life insurance. It was developed to provide temporary life insurance protection on a limited budget. Since term insurance can be purchased in large amounts for a relatively small initial premium, it is well suited for short-range goals such as life insurance coverage to pay off a loan, or providing extra life insurance protection during the child-raising years.

Whole Life Insurance

Permanent life insurance provides coverage for as long as you live and continue to make timely premium payments. With level premiums and the accumulation of cash values, whole life insurance is a good choice for long-range goals. The guaranteed cash values can provide money later on to help with temporary needs or emergencies.

Key Man Insurance

Key man insurance is simply life insurance on the key person in a business. In a small business, this is usually the owner, the founders or perhaps a key employee or two. These are the people who are crucial to a business–the ones whose absence would sink the company. For these individuals, you need key man insurance!

Long Term Care Insurance

Long-term care insurance provides coverage for services you need when you are no longer able to care for yourself and need assistance. It decreases the financial burden on your family and your estate, should you need long-term care.

Individual Disability Insurance

If you are like most people, you depend on your paycheck to pay your monthly living expenses. But what would happen if you had a disabling accident or illness and could not work? You need a plan for income replacement. A disability income policy can help keep you financially stable during difficult times by paying a monthly income, directly to you, when you are sick or hurt and unable to work.

We offer free quotes for Georgia and Tennessee families from our main office in Calhoun, Georgia, as well as our offices in Cartersville, Dalton, Ringgold, Rome and Woodstock. Contact us or call 800-627-4441 today to receive a quote or begin discussing your life insurance needs.